About Me

My photo
I am originally from England and settled in NZ with my family in 2002. I have been working in the early childhood sector for over 12 years now and am still loving every minute of it. I am currently head teacher in the toddlers room at Lollipops Educare, Botany Junction.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome to Cathy's Corner

Hello everyone and welcome to my own little corner of cyberspace! This blogspot has been created so that I can reflect and evaluate the significance of use of technology on children's learning and development.
Please feel free to share your thoughts on anything that you may find interesting. 

Oh, and please feed my fish before you go!  (left click in the water to drop some food)


  1. Looking forward to reading your findings:)

  2. Hi Cathy! I'm looking forward to reading your blogs :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I feed your fish by the way! :)

  5. Hi cathy, just wanted to pop in and say Hi, still trying to get my head around this Blog!! I found you so that means I am on the right track.....

  6. Hi Cathy, its Leanne saying 'Hello' and can't wait to read your thoughts. Take care and see you soon!
